Current Affairs

Resignation is the Enemy of Change

Do you remember how just two years ago millions of people both inside and outside the US were enthused and excited by the possibilities they saw for the future, and delighted in using the phrase “Yes we can!” One morning last week on the “Today” programme on BBC Radio 4, I heard a report on […]

Resignation is the Enemy of Change Read More »

How do you FEEL about the budget?

So, George Osborne has done his thing, we've had the "Emergency" Budget, and now all the pontificators, pundits & politicians are giving us the benefit of their "analysis". Except that the majority of the "analysis" is nothing of the sort – more accurately it is opinion and speculation about what is good, bad or indifferent

How do you FEEL about the budget? Read More »

All the (small c) conservatives seem committed to the coalition failing

Did you see Question Time on BBC1 on Thursday night? It was pretty incredible. On one side of David Dimbleby sat Michael Heseltine and Simon Hughes, together representing the new Liberal-Conservative (note big C) progressive coalition government. On the other side were ranged the entire gamut of conservatism (small c), represented by Labour peer Lord

All the (small c) conservatives seem committed to the coalition failing Read More »

What can be learnt from the UK Election? (and I don’t mean politically)

So, it's all over bar the shouting – or perhaps, given the apparently calm (in public, at least) way in which the three main parties are exploring their coalition options, it's more accurate to say, it's all over bar the very polite, respectful conversations. For me there are two things of particular interest in the

What can be learnt from the UK Election? (and I don’t mean politically) Read More »