Emotional Intelligence

Leadership is….. Not needing to get the glory

Over 2500 years old, this is one of my favourite leadership quotes. Empowering others, rather than self glorification, lies at the heart of real leadership – try telling that to some of the big business egos! To lead people, walk beside them… As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The […]

Leadership is….. Not needing to get the glory Read More »

Unleash the Power of Collaboration in your business (& I’m not talking about software)

For pretty much all of the 30+ years that I’ve been in business, I have employed the power of collaboration. Before I did what I do now, I ran an engineering business based in Kent. It was my family business, I was the fourth generation of my family to work in it, and I started

Unleash the Power of Collaboration in your business (& I’m not talking about software) Read More »

How do you FEEL about the budget?

So, George Osborne has done his thing, we've had the "Emergency" Budget, and now all the pontificators, pundits & politicians are giving us the benefit of their "analysis". Except that the majority of the "analysis" is nothing of the sort – more accurately it is opinion and speculation about what is good, bad or indifferent

How do you FEEL about the budget? Read More »